The weather is getting nice enough to take the kids to the spray parks we'll see how Ashlyn does. We are super excited to get her in the pool this summer.
Our new carpet.
Headed to the circus! Can't wait to sit in a tent in the stifling heat...oh well it was my idea and I've never been so I have nothing to compare it too!
It was the Culpepper and Merryweather Circus. It seemed to be run by a family who kept changing roles, from ring master to stilts man or ticket taker to trapeze artist. They did have a beautiful lion!
We also went to another puppet show with Kellie Dibble and her kids at the Gaslight Melodrama. This one was Rumplestiltskin and Ashlyn got to come along.
I guess I just can't get outside enough this month! Stephanie Bigler and I took the kids mini golfing. Besides Braden they weren't quite ready...but you never know unless you try, and they liked the scenery anyway.
I was early picking Ellia up from preschool one day so Ashlyn got to go on a little walk with the class. It was SO fun to see Ellia take such good care of her. They have these little moments when they get along that I make me so excited for them to be better friends as Ashlyn gets older.

Jeremy's Priests have been very ambitious lately with their Eagle Scout Projects. Here he is helping with Matthew Wilson's who made and served a meal for the homeless shelter.
Jeremy also went on the Father/Son campout.
I found out about a Miniature horse farm close by and had to take the girls. It was so fun! There were over 70 horses and all bred from cart racing. There was even a 3 day old baby!
Watching Maggie, plus another cute sister moment.
Driving home one night by the golf course I saw this little duck in the road. The girls were both asleep in the car so I jumped out and looked around for a duck family. I didn't see anything so I picked it up in my palm and walked around the ponds looking, still nothing. The duck came home with us until I found it another home.
A few days later I caught these cute little frogs who lived with us overnight and then were released at the same ponds...Ellia had a hard time saying goodbye to the duck, but she had fun watching the frogs discover their new home.
It had been too long since we'd camped so I got everythign ready one night and when Jer got home we met the VanOrman's at Ming Lake to stay the night. I was so proud that I had everything ready, the only problem was that I had forgotten batteries for the airmattress pump. Oh well. I also brought glow in the dark necklaces for the girls to play with, but they ended up being kindof an essential to keeping track of all i think it will be an essential for future camp trips.
Chevron gave their employees tickets to a Pyles Boys Camp fundraiser so we met the Blackstones back at Ming lake the morning after we had camped there. It was so crowded and seemed kindof unorganized...considering we walked a few miles in the extreme heat to get there. OK, so there was someone directing people either into the lake for drag boat racing or......not. After that it was up to us to figure things out. We drove a ways to where people were parking and followed the crowd. Well, the crowd split and we could tell some were waiting for something...most likely a shuttle. Most people were walking so we assumed it couldn't be that far and we'd rather do that than wait in the heat. Well we just kept walking and walking AND walking. Some people were getting so upset, and Jeremy and I even though about turning around a few times. Once we finally got there we had a free meal and did some of the kid activities like the bounce house and crafts in the Chevron tent.
We took our second trip to the Bugseum with Ellia's preschool class. She was ok looking at the bugs behind glass, but wouldn't have much to do with them otherwise...unlike Kate.
Ashlyn and Ellia really enjoy Chuck E. Cheese to we went with a few friends this month.

We watched a friends baby this month and it was so fun to see Ellia and Ashlyn interact with her.
We are off to Vegas to meet Jeremy's dad for a baseball tournament. Then the girls and I will drive to Utah with him and stay for a few weeks while Jeremy takes care of Young Men's camp.
In Vegas we took the girls bowling for the first time...they did better than I expected, meaning they actually kindof enjoyed it!
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