Monday, March 2, 2009

More signs of Spring...swimming even?

Just behind our house there are huge almond orchards, and right now they are in full is breathtaking to drive by them, unroll the windows and smell their sweet scent. These pictures don't do justice.

In other updates, we are continuing the pressure washing/refinishing of our outdoor structures. Here is the pressure washing process...getting rid of the gray gunk.Here is the mostly finished product, the fence has been sprayed, and the arbor has been stained
However, these things come at a cost.

Yes, I fell in the pool (I knew it was only a matter of time before it happenned). If you notice, there is not much working space, and Jeremy got me talking -one wrong step and i was in. I had time whilst I was losing my balance to hand Jeremy my brush, say goodbye and see the big grin on his face. Oddly, he didn't have time to grab my arm and keep me from falling in. Fortunately the pool wasn't as cold as I expected!

A shot of our gross, old looking fence.

Same fence with just a little pressure washing!