Santa visited the Ward Christmas party and Ginger, Micah and Violet came with us to celebrate, but the girls weren't too excited about Santa. Ellia did ok eventually.
Ok, so I know they are brothers and they used to share a room and all, but walking into Addie's room seeing this still really surprised me.
As always Christmas crunch for breakfast.
Then off to presents. Ellia's big deal present was a Tinkerbell scooter that she has been asking for since her birthday.
I love this picture of Laura and Ellia.

Ashlyn didn't really request anything but enjoys working with the tools when we get them out so she got a little tool bench.
After that it was mostly just Christmas morning chaos.
Ellia was very excited about the sparkle shoes Addie gave her.
She also really, really wanted a 'brella.

It took Travis awhile but he finally got Ellia's toys put together.
Jer and I got a tow package for the escape! I'm one step closer to getting a tent trailer!
Addie's cat.
Merry Christmas...with a whole lotta day left.
We arrived at Grandma Carol and Grandpa Kerry's to start the merry holiday all over again.
first they showed us their gifts, including this shirt which says, "Collings Guitars" neato!
Then more opening
and some sisterly affection

For our last event of the day we headed over to Emily's for the nativity story reenactment and cousin gifts.
Ashlyn was really interested in Ella, it was the first time any of us had met her after all.

I guess none us could foresee the problem with including the rocking horse in the scene.
Our gift to Cole

Ellia's Christmas...minus the Discovery Toys Shape toy, that is Ashlyn's.
Ash's loot.
Our pile (plus the tow bar)
The next morning we left the girls behind and went with my dad and Jed for a little cross country ski exercise. Jeremy is getting so much better, I think I was on the ground more than him this time.

Shut up! I have looked at this picture like a hundred time and JUST noticed Jace's finger...I was really only posting it to show how Ellia takes the camera and runs off to take pictures and how this time she took a bunch of Jace...HONEST.
What an optimist...Ashlyn sure doesn't let it bother her when she can't pick up her food with her fingers.
Jace and Ellia, having fun no matter where they are!