Thursday, December 13, 2007

So much to say...

The last weekend in November Jeremy and I spent house/kid sitting for Jeremy's aunt here in Provo. It was quite a treat to stay in such a nice house (all set up for us) and enjoy watching the kids interact with Ellia.

Some memorable things that happened -

1. A wet bed at 1:00 a.m. (and it wasn't Ellia, Jeremy or I)
2. A white shirt custom ti-died with hot chocolate
3. A power outage
4. A major snowstorm
5. And some inscriptions added to an expensive wooden dining table

While the older kids went to school I stayed in the house with Ellia and the youngest boy. He is three and a half. At first when I would use my special nursing blanket while feeding Ellia he didn't pay attention, then he got curious. "Where's her head?" "Oh she lays on your stomach and eats." Even later if I just mentioned that I needed to feed her he would run to get the special blanket. When Ellia would take a long time to eat he would say, "can you take that off now?"

The other quotable moment was when I suggested that Jeremy and I call my mom for a food related question, the little boy stopped what he was doing, looked up at me and in a very surprised, almost confused voice said, "I didn't know you had a mom."

Now for the first few weeks of December

Jeremy and I have been contacting agents, and lenders in California via phone, and we were planning on taking a trip to Bakersfield (future home of the Gillespie's) mid-December. Well we starting seeing a lot of listings we were interested in so we moved our trip the current week. Two days after deciding to change our trip, Jeremy Ellia and I packed up the car and headed to Bakersfield.

The drive was actually very easy and Ellia was a gem. Our first day out I saw the first two houses and didn't think I would be able to get excited about a house. Then we started seeing some better layouts and by the end of the day had about three that we were pretty interested in.

The next day it was much easier to dismiss houses, but we were excited to go see a house that we had both been particularly interested in from the listings even though there was only one picture. We walked in and knew it was our favorite. I was not even really interested in seeing any more, but wanted to help Jeremy become as sure as I was. The only thing we were both a little hesitant about was the fact that the backyard has a pool. We know nothing of owning a house- let alone a pool. But it was our favorite so we made an offer.

We returned to Utah after stopping at the National Finals Rodeo Cowboy Christmas Craft show in Vegas, and continued conducting our business over the phone and fax.

Yesterday, December 12, we learned that our final offer has been accepted!!! If everything goes well with the inspections we will be the new owners of a house with a pool! Now you all have an incentive to come stay with us! (and an invitation too)


Crystal and Jake said...

i love Ellia in her green dress! What a great house. Congradulations!

Becky said...

Congrats on finding a house! That's exciting! Thanks for sharing.