Saturday, January 21, 2012

December 2011 P1

On December 3rd, the girls and I went with Jeremy on a youth temple trip.  While he was inside we visited on the temple grounds with Nicole and Danny Hasluaer on a gorgeous day!  The time flew by and before we knew it (yet almost two hours later) dad was done and we were headed to American Girls. It was on this sad trip that we realized that Annie is missing, boo.

 Once it got dark we headed back to the temple to see the lights.  THEY WERE AMAZING!  It was so fun to see palm trees covered in Christmas lights!

 Two days later we had a special visitor at our house!  The girls were pretty terrified but we managed to get some pictures and they were able to tell Santa what they wanted.
This was actually a very memorable visit for Jeremy and I too.  Santa and Mrs. Claus had 'lost' their keys in the sleigh with their communication to the elves so they had to borrow a few things from us, including a phone and a hanger.  Then of course Santa had to change so he would be discguised until he could be in the safety of his car, I was just hoping the neighbor kids wouldn't come out and discover who had come to our house! After a short time they were able to lift off and visit other good little girls and boys.

 It's always interesting to try to get the girls both smiling in a takes a lot of work,

 but in the end its worth it!
 This was the night we had a special dinner, picked pixie's and told the Christmas Story...its our version of the Christmas Kickoff that Jeremy had growing up.

Ellia didn't really have any specific thing she was asking for from Santa until we went to Stake Conference.  While there we sat behind a family whose kids were both coloring on Ipads.  Ellia was mesmerized.  A few days later when I asked her again what she wanted from Santa she said, " I want one of those half 'puter things." I was not clueing in. "You know like our 'puter but just the top half with no keys and stuff." me"oh, and ipad" Ellia, "Ya one of those!"

For one of our kidswap outings we went to Tanglewood Farms.  Ashlyn was terrified of the mini horses and stayed very far away, the other kids seemed to enjoy them though, and of course I did.  The last time we came there was a three day old filly so it was neat to see her again.

Time for the annual Chevron family Christmas gathering.  Sit on Santa's lap, eat pizza and play at John's Incredible Pizza.  This year they had some new rides that the girls really enjoyed.  Jeremy and I also really ejoyed that they can ride together now without us! (Now we need to find the picture they took of our family with Santa)

The very next night Jeremy and I went to an adult party for Chevron's Asset Development team.  There was dinner, dessert and some fun accessories to put on for a picture booth.

 Pictures with Jake and Beth Hunter.

 Mid-December. This year the Young Men played their first flag football game at the Bakersfield College stadium which was really cool for them.  Unfortunately they did not have a repeat winning record this year - but still had a lot of fun.

After flag football Jeremy rushed back to the church to our Christmas party.  I was there with Ginger, Micah and Violet and the girls were being difficult. It was so crowded and we had a part in the skit (hanging ornaments on the tree) so when he showed up I was so grateful to see him!  Then early the next morning it was off to finish the tournament- and a surprise waiting for us outside.

 Ashlyn has been wanting glasses every time we ride in the car, she is pretty good at putting them on, but sometimes gets confused.

This month Ashlyn finished her pre-school at Richardsen Center.  It was a very sad day for me.  She LOVED going!  We'd pull up and as soon as she'd see the school she'd say, "my peeschool, my peeschool!!" and she always talked about going to Becca's house.
Ginger and I went took the kids to see the NOR Christmas Parade, and Santa was at the very end.  When Ellia saw him she said, "that's not the real Santa, he's different than the one that we've seen."  Oh boy.  I told her how Santa can't be everywhere so he has a lot of helpers and asked if she thought we'd seen the real Santa yet, and realized that the Santa at the Chevron party must be the real Santa!!

 As an early Christmas present Jeremy got me tickets to see the Nutcracker here in Bakersfield.  It was so much fun! I've never seen a live performance but have loved the story forever. I think I started watching a performance Grandma Betty had when I was 3 or 4.  We took Ellia and she had some funny things to say but did pretty well overall.  She kept asking if the people were real, and after about twenty minutes asked, "Where's the Grinch?"  Then when the male dancers came out she said, "They look silly without pants on."  I hope we can make this an annual tradition it was so awesome.
 We have been getting some packages in the mail this month, and Grandma Laura has been sending up a package a week until Christmas!  This time we got fun handmade aprons and lots of Christmas cooking supplies.

 This month was Brooklyn's 4th birthday party. She decorated everything in Tangled stuff! We played pin the frying pan on Flynn Ryder's head and even got to take home stick horses like Maximus.
 Putting our aprons to good use!

 I love when Ashlyn lays on the ground like this to play.
 The craft I made for my Visiting Teachees.  It has popcorn in it  and says, "just popping by to say hello," on the back...thanks again Pinterest.
 Playing puzzles.
 They love wearing matching jammies, and these bone ones are so fun because they glow in the dark.  We turn off the lights and turn up the music and watch their glowing parts shake and move!

 I noticed this bear that Ashlyn had been playing with...I think the people were sitting on Santa's lap!

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