Started off this month in Utah...this looks pretty bad right? Falls out of the bumbo right onto the baby
this angle isn't much better...why isn't Ashlyn crying?
Whew, that was a close one

Because of unforeseen circustances I was left in charge of my nephew one day. Needless to say he wasn't thrilled to have me as his caretaker...he spent most of the morning finding places to hide.

But he warmed up when I brought Ashlyn out!

The other cousins also had a blast playing with her and making her laugh and smile.

Easter dresses.

We went just a little too late to see the ice castles again. They were closed for the season, but they still looked pretty amazing from the outside.

Way bigger than when we went in December.

Ellia and Will hugging good night. (and then pushing each other)

Playing in the snow...a novelty!

Pizza party! L to R Will, Cole, Jack, Ellia poor Jace was left without a stool and didn't quite know how to handle it.

Ashlyn - just minding her own business no matter how uncomfortable she may be

The joy of new toys.

a TV line-up

All dressed up with no place to go?

No way, this time we were headed to Jordan's wedding reception.

Girls with great grandma Pat.

Girls with the bride.

Since we were all coordinating I figured what better time to capture the moment and avoid a picture studio!

Ellia and Aunt Addie.

The following day at the temple it was a bit cold so Ellia got to wear this garb...We never got so many looks and smiles from strangers, some even commented saying, "That is the cutest outfit ever!" (this from a guy walking out of the lion house with his two little boys!)

the day wore ellia out and she just couldn't make it any longer. She slept through the entire luncheon!

Back in california we celebrated St. Patty's day and Jer's B-day.
I had the oppurtunity to portray one of the ten virgins in an enrichment activity, it was a lot of fun dressing up! They choose me to play the vain one...hmmm, hope that isn't a hint.

Ellia reading to Ashlyn.

This sunday morning Ellia was doing this pose and said, "picture mom,." so I did.

$14.00 (two free mascera's!!)

Had to get a picture of the shoes!

I forgot we had this little toy carrier so it was really fun to see Ellia come out wearing it with her dolly inside.

Ash's new favorite toy! She won't leave her arms out so sometimes she just looks like a little head and legs, its pretty cute!

Our first easter egg hunt of the season. It was actually pretty cold and I hadn't prepared for that so fortunatly someone had an extra sweatshirt for Ellia..she went camo!