Saturday, June 13, 2009

What a May!

Ellia tanning.

What a pose!Taking away the binky - attempt gone wrong.

Ellia is starting to take her dollies everywhere, and helping them do everything! This I caught on tape, but I have been finding dollies in the shower, and on lia's potty chair too!

I put a mirror in Ellia's room because I had read that babies/little kids like to see their own image...boy does that ring true for Ellia!

Ok, so May was off with a bang! We met my family in Mesquite at the beginning of the month to celebrate my dad's 60th birthday! We all chipped in and gave them cash to spend on their Alaskan cruise this summer.

Ellia really enjoyed being around her cousins!

It is always fun to see the similarities and differences between Ellia and Jace (her cousin that is just one week younger)

She tried to give him a little kiss! (Even though right after they saw each other Emily was saying something about Ellia not wanting to get near a stinky boy and then Jace let a ripper!)

It was great pool weather so Ellia got to sport her new tankini!

Always the fashionista!

One of our next big adventures was meeting up with Dane and his family for the Biggest Loser after party. It was so crazy to see all the faces we'd been watching for the past few months...and see how small they had really gotten! Here's Sione - this picture is for you Janell.

Dane and Carli

Kristen and Carli's little sister Kenzi, who was nice enough to take these pictures for me and send them to me because Jeremy had recently landed our camera in a lake.



Michelle, last season's winner

Amy from last season

Ahhhhh BOB!!!

We have also been having some great weather for backyard BBQ's. This one is actually at the James family ranch (some of our friends run it) which is about 40 minutes away from us.

We stayed and played all evening...

after dinner we walked to the lake where jer did some fishing, he caught a few little ones and one really big one - when a kid fell in Jeremy jumped in after him! - this is when the camera was in his pocket.

that night ellia got her first taste of smores, and I tried some with chocolate fondue instead of unmelted hershey's pieces....I have now decided fondue is the way to go!!!
New addition to our family.

One night on a walk I kicked what I thought was a rock, but I happenned to look down and it was a turtle! So we brought him home.

We ended the month in Utah celebrating birthday's, graduations and baptisms! (We had to find a sitter for the turtle...thanks Kim!)


Heather said...

I am so jealous you went to the Biggest Looser Party. What an awesome opportunity. How did Helen look? As aweful as she did on TV? Looks like you had a great month. Elia is getting so big. Katie always asks "is Elia going to be there" when we go to the park. At some point she really made an impression on her!

Thayerclan said...

Looks like you guys have done tons of fun things! Ellia is getting so big! She is so so cute :) How cool that you got to meet all the biggest loser contestants. I love that show!
You look great! Glad you guys are doing well :)

Klin said...

Sione is HAWT!!!

I was his cheerleader the whole time.

Tara did look amazing. She worked hard and set some great records.

Looks like you had some fun and your little Ellia is adorable. She is a cutie, fo sho!

*~Sarah~* said...

That is the cutest turtle ive ever seen! I want one.. Im so glad we got to see each other while you were here! wish it could have been longer though. Miss you tons!

Travis & Liz said...

You have to admit, you and Bob make a cute couple. Sorry Jer. I just love Bob.

KEYSHA said...

What a fun month! (I'm jealous of all your "Biggest Loser" meetings!) How amazing!!

Thank you so much for inviting me to your picnic..even though I couldn't make it. I am terrible with my cell's like my 'emergency only' phone..and I checked the voice mail a few days after you left it, but I couldn't make it to Heber. I really want to make it there sometime!!! Looks like you guys had a fun time!

Ellia is getting so BIG and is darling!!!

erin said...

BOB is the best!!! That tankini is awesome too - i wish there was one in my size! She is adorable! Hope you have lots of fun with the pool and beach this summer!

The Richardsons said...

Looks like you guys have been crazy busy! What fun!